There is one of my Favorit Match in NFL. When the New York Giants un beatable in that seasons. This team is one of most popular team in NFL. For futher this team had won many match in last seasons. My Grand father told to me how his know the match in radio, thats so interesting. But it is so old school. However the fans of this team, especially people who older than my father is would listen this game. Because Television is not the real watching the game. Radio can make you, feels like in the yard. What ever you had not a tickets. Yeah this time for saving money!! All of us know, our new president is had not finishing to stop this finance crisis. New York Giants tikets is still expensive, but you can reserve the ticket from this site. Any that I had paid for reserved?? No, actually this site is cheaper for your tickets seat price. So, if you love the city home AFL had won and successful in 1960's. But after the Herm Edwards ended his time as head coach -actually my brother second ...
Hari ini nee dirilisnya..
Donot pa g y?
Dah terlanjur pesen ke shipIt tapi pasti lama.. Klo donlot benwitnya yang kembang kempis :D
Salam kenal
Salam Kenal ...
Salam kenal juga
Cepet banget mas, mulai kapan?
Salam kenal juga
Sama saya juga masih bingung.
Isinya teori & ilmu semua!
Salam Kenal Mas...
diriku juga belum mbak.
thanks mas dan salam kenal juga.
Teralu tinggi postingan blog ini tuk IjoPunkJUtee,
Sekedar nampang doank, biar dikira blogger mapan..he....he...
* mudah2an gak diusir suruh pergi...xixixixi...
ikutan tertawa ah, hahaha...
Salam kenal juga.
@Sang Cerpenis bercerita:
Kalo saya mass mas gaptek mbak, hehehe.
Ya udah ntar postingannya yang rendah-rendah aja.
ori sih..
Wah ori ya...
Iyo mas...
ladang bisa jadi oriflame, origami, ori mayori, hehehehehe
Ntar deh kalo dah ada barangnya.
Sama mas punya saya juga.
Oh bawaan laptop.
o iya, ajari aku linux dong ... masih gaptek ni ...
Bukannya dilupakan mas. Sampean yang ajari saya kok malah minta ngajari piye to? Kabare jember piye mas?
salam kenal yak ...
Saya sendiri belum bisa pake, salam kenal juga
thx's atas sharingnya..
kenapa mas kok nggak mood?
saya baru selesai download neh.
Saya juga pengen nyoba tapi masih belum kesampaian.