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Keyboard shortcuts

Hanya menulis shortcut aja

This is a list of keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox.

Back Alt+Left Arrow
ForwardAlt+Right Arrow
Open FileCtrl+O
Ctrl +R
Reload (override cache)Ctrl+F5
Current Page
Go to Bottom of PageEnd
Go to Top of PageHome
Move to Next FrameF6
Move to Previous FrameShift+F6
Page Info
Page SourceCtrl+U
Save Page AsCtrl+S
Zoom InCtrl++
Zoom OutCtrl+-
Zoom ResetCtrl+0
Select AllCtrl+A
Find AgainF3
Find As You Type Link'
Find As You Type Text/
Find PreviousShift+F3
Web SearchCtrl+K
Windows & Tabs
Close Tab Ctrl+W
Close WindowCtrl+Shift+W
Move Tab Left
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move Tab Right
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move Tab to Beginning
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl +Home
Move Tab to End
(when tab is focused)
New TabCtrl+T
New WindowCtrl+N
Next TabCtrl+Tab
Ctrl+Page Down
Open Address in New Tab
(from Location Bar or Search Bar)
Previous TabCtrl+Shift+Tab
Ctrl+Page Up
Undo Close TabCtrl+Shift+T
Select Tab (1 to 8)Ctrl+(1 to 8)
Select Last TabCtrl+9
Bookmark All TabsCtrl+Shift+D
Bookmark This PageCtrl+D
Caret BrowsingF7
Clear Private DataCtrl+Shift+Del
Error ConsoleCtrl+Shift+J
Complete .com AddressCtrl+Enter
Complete .net AddressShift+Enter
Complete .org AddressCtrl+Shift+Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete EntryDel
Full ScreenF11
Select Location BarAlt+D
Select or Manage Search Engines
(when Search Bar is focused)
Alt+Up Arrow
Alt+Down Arrow

Configuring keyboard shortcuts

Firefox does not provide any method of customizing keyboard shortcuts.



Anonymous said…
beeeeuh sorchut mozilla ...
klo mozilla fuda nga rusak bisa langsung praktek neeh ..

mozilla skarang nga bisa bwat koment blog azz
Senoaji said…
weks blogmark ahhhh
keboaja said…
@fuda: sepertinya bukan punya fuda saja yang rusak...
@senoaji: silahkan...
Anonymous said…
lengkaaapp,... sekarang banyak yang lupa kode tu.. atau malah nggak tahu,..( sok pinter mode on padahal nggak apal juga ) he he heee

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