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Showing posts from 2010

Preparing to applicant some job

At this point I should start preparing for the Personal branding. To get a proper job. So it is necessary or phrase is held personal branding is the perception of self image, an opinion or impression of someone on us. The challenge became how to create the perception of employees is consistent with what we want. Many things that seem trivial but can someone mempengeraruhi personal brand. For example, an employee who frequently arrive late at the office, indirectly create the image of yourself as undisciplined or lazy. Personal brand like this will complicate the employee to improve his career at the company. Positive things that made employees who already have a negative personal brand, it could become invisible. Vice versa, if we have been able to create a personal brand is good and positive, then all things will become easier. To obtain a good personal brand is needed first is the "product" is good. Items here can be a skill, attitude, appearance, way of talking and certai...


Hi All.. Now i would explain about Nesting In F# programing system Function and variable definitions can be structured hierarchically within an F# program, allowing some definitions to be globally visible, others to be defined separately in distinct portions of the hierarchy, others to be visible only within a single branch of the hierarchy and others to be refined, specialising them within the hierarchy. Compared to writing a program as a flat list of function and variable definitions, structuring a program into a hierarchy of definitions allows the number of dependencies within the program to be managed as the size and complexity of the programs grows. This is achieved most simply by nesting definitions. Thus, nesting is the simplest approach to the structuring of programss. For example, the ipow3 function defined in the previous chapter contains a nested definition of a function sqr: > let ipow3 x = let sqr x = x * x x * sqr x;; val ipow3 : int -> ...

Saya dan Telkomsel

Lokasi kerja hanya memungkin internetan menggunakan ponsel. SimCard  yang digunakan telkomsel. Sedia pulsa yang cukup untuk tetap dapat berinternetan ria. Untuk paket internet telkomsel dapat di cek di *363# Dari 6 (enam) paket yang ada saya pilih Operamini & Chat Untuk informasi lengkapnya silahkan mengunjungi web telkomsel .


Minggu ini begitu sampai di rumah berharap bisa nonton MotoGP, eh ternyata MotoGP Jepang minggu ini ditunda sampai Oktober... Ya udah akhirnya cuma browsing aja. Jarak tempat kerja dari rumah +/- 64 km, nggak terlalu jauh seh... tapi jalannya jelek banget... velg sepeda motor udah pada bengkok semua, baik yang depan maupun yang belakang. Dan lagi di tempat kerja gak ada warnet... sedihnya... Akhirnya hanya bisa ngenet akhir pekan aja. (menahan diri penuh dengan rasa sabar *_^)

Perjalanan Cinta

Inilah siang, ketika sinar mentari tepat di atas kepala Mata menyala pandangi semua realita ruang dan waktu berada tepat pada tempatnya Tak ada mimpi penyejuk jiwa Tak ada guna khayal jika tak bersama Orang-orang bilang siang itu surga Tapi bagiku malam adalah surga dan siang itu kebalikannya Aku bukanlah pemimpi dengan seribu impiannya Aku juga pendosa yang menghalalkan segala cara untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya Tapi aku diantara keduanya Yang bermimpi memaksakan hati Tapi takut dosa yang akan menguasai hati Ya, inilah sekarang ini aku yang mencintaimu *sms dari seorang teman

Opera Mini 5

Lama juga sudah tidak menulis... untungnya ada bangjlimz yang membantu blog ini tetap update. Setelah mendapat kabar kalo Opera Mini 5 sudah release... saya langsung saja mencobanya. Namanya juga aplikasi baru.. bingung juga makainya. Saya kesulitan merubah Speed dial... setelah browsing-browsing akhirnya dapat juga cara merubahnya. Cukup menekan tombol 1 pada phonecell anda setelah itu muncul menu edit sama clear. Secara umum opera mini 5 ini asyik di pakai. Tapi untuk scrollnya kok gak muncul ya.

original essay to your journals

I had writen a blog post about creativity  in last month, however the creativity is different from a plagiarism. Creativity is a good thing to make a essay. However creativity is made you in original thing, and make your essay had offer to buy essay from the web surfer. Many people had surfer on the internet just find many journals, blogs, and essay had duplicated. The original essay is made the reader comfort and understood what we want to explain. Sometimes when i had finish my task in my college i found many students (my friends) had a duplicated task.  The original essay is made from many source to find many original thing and many write had post and submit to many blog and task. Originally is near feel like a modified but, originall essay is make people who write have another thing about some problems and solves.  Original thing to make essay had to find out some other original essay in same problem to compare. And found the other solution and many views to fix some problems. act...

Bagi yang mo coba jadi reviewer

ehm,ehm.. ni mo buat tentang sebuah tutorial-kayaknya juga gak pas- mending disebut advertorial,, jadi semacam saran dan nasihat daripada cuman ngeblog-ngeblog gak jelas. lha kemaren kan udah dibuat tentang postingan review dan sebuah artikel dalam bahasa LONDON tentang kreativitas maka disini juga menyarankan tentang beberapa pendapatan dari sebuah blogs sebenarnya ada beberapa macam buat blog monotize.. salah satunya dengan ngereview, dimana review kita akan membaca dan ngebahas tentang beberapa macam review yang akan diinginkan oleh broker, lalu kita kirim review kita. sebenarnya sangat sederhana namun keinginan broker gak bisa ditawar,, ketika keterima atau di aprove ma broker haruslah sesuai kriteria.. selama ini saya ngereview dengan cukup sederhana kriterianya, minimal menampilkan beberapa link review yang terkait. emang klo dari blogsvertise ... cukup mudah dan ringan, waktunya juga lumayan lama,, sekitar 4-5 hari,, broker ini juga memberikan pembayaran tiap bulannya berbed...


After I had posted my blog , i had wrote about creativity and many more inspiration to write on blogs. And get many cheese on your site and blogs. Psychologists began to study creativity in the 1950s, and right away, they had trouble defining it. In the 1950s and 1960s, psychologists searched for paper-andpencil tests that could measure a person’s creative potential. With a good test, they could simply have defined creativity as a high score on the test. However, this search was in vain; as we’ll see in chapter 3, in spite of several decades of research, personality psychologists were not able to develop a test to measure creativity, and the effort was abandoned by the 1970s. Also during the 1950s and 1960s, psychologists tried to develop ways to measure the creativity of individual works. For example, one common technique was to ask three expert judges to rate the creativity of a work and then to average their ratings. But this always seemed to be a little too subjective; how do we k...


Sebenarnya semangat berkreativitas masyarakat indonesia sangat besar. Tapi terkadang kita juga bingung dan memulainya seperti apa. Yang paling penting adalah kemauan dan semangat berkreasi. Blog menurutQ sendiri adalah ajang dimana menampilkan dan berunjuk gigi Mulai dari permasalahan sepele, permasalahan kompleks hingga menuju permasalahan negara yang mungkin kita udah mulai acuh. Semangat menulis dan berkreasi memang sich mulai dirilis dari sebuah blog. kemudian juga beberapa jejaring sosial. Namun blog dianggap terlalu panjang lebar, memiliki space waktu yang cukup lama dalam urusan Update. Selain itu ada kelebihan lain dari sebuah blog yaitu kita mampu mengintegrasikan dan memanfaatkan penghasilan dari sebuah blog. Bayangkan dengan sebuah blog terdapat berbagai macam aliran dana yang nyata dan masuk ke dalam kantong kita. tentunya dengan beberapa kriteria dari dermawan dan advertising yang ada. Memang ada berbagai macam mulai dari Google adsense, Paid to click, paid to promote, fil...

playing the charity for HAITI

I Had played mafia wars and reaten this blog find something interesting, any way from the focus to help in HAITI earthQuake Disaster and this game had contribute to many relief society programe Zynga will run a special relief campaign in three of its top games that reach over 40 million users daily. Users can purchase limited edition social goods in FarmVille, Mafia Wars and Zynga Poker, and 100 percent of the proceeds will go towards supporting emergency aid in Haiti. All contributions to the Haiti Relief Fund will benefit the World Food Programme (WFP) which has set up an emergency response team to distribute food and other relief to thousands in Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake. Zynga’s users have already raised $1.2 million for Haiti through purchasing virtual social goods. The funds have provided school lunches to Haitian children and contributed to a revolving loan campaign for Haitian women living in extreme poverty. In the new campaign, users can purchase white cor...

New Era of webhosting

Are you having difficulty in manage your website if you are one of marketing if you are one of internet surfer. And you need to build some space to your site you can find this webhosting you can change your service database. Through internet you can deal with such kind of product promotion over your partner company. Here I sugested to you to revise your web site hosting for marketing, with this promotion of marketing service. This site is a hosting service that will make your website accessible in the internet. With the hosting service, the website visitors can access your website even when you are offline. If you are new in the web hosting term, I recommend you to go to In this site, you will find place for you to register and increase contain of your site it self. With their assistance you enable to promote your site or send your web to your business partner. And with their service of you can integrate your surveying. This service offers you site which will he...

Solving statistics problem

For a class my sister had a problems in some subject for her class. A course has the benefit that you like studying for K12 but this course had save for a lot of money. Just connected to your internet access, you and your family had a solution to solve some many problems. You have a statistics help online problems solver. There are many sub subject of topic in statistics tutor . Many type of tutorial, You must be smart to choose and decide some question and ask to online solving. However this time you do not need to confusing again to solve and answer your family(sister, brother, daughter, son, or your part of family). There is website will help answer your question on your family subject of class and homework. I think that would be easier. Compared solutions from this site to your answer, how faster, how cheap than you join in some course. This website is provide facilities that have been mentioned above. You will be given information on the categories that have been provided., s...