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playing the charity for HAITI

I Had played mafia wars and reaten this blog find something interesting, any way from the focus to help in HAITI earthQuake Disaster and this game had contribute to many relief society programe

Zynga will run a special relief campaign in three of its top games that reach over 40 million users daily. Users can purchase limited edition social goods in FarmVille, Mafia Wars and Zynga Poker, and 100 percent of the proceeds will go towards supporting emergency aid in Haiti. All contributions to the Haiti Relief Fund will benefit the World Food Programme (WFP) which has set up an emergency response team to distribute food and other relief to thousands in Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

Zynga’s users have already raised $1.2 million for Haiti through purchasing virtual social goods. The funds have provided school lunches to Haitian children and contributed to a revolving loan campaign for Haitian women living in extreme poverty.

In the new campaign, users can purchase white corn within FarmVille that will not wither if left unattended for a week or a Haitian drum in Mafia Wars. Zynga Poker fans that buy a special chip package will receive a rare premium item. Additionally, users can donate directly to the WFP through


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