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Preparing to applicant some job

At this point I should start preparing for the Personal branding. To get a proper job. So it is necessary or phrase is held personal branding is the perception of self image, an opinion or impression of someone on us. The challenge became how to create the perception of employees is consistent with what we want. Many things that seem trivial but can someone mempengeraruhi personal brand. For example, an employee who frequently arrive late at the office, indirectly create the image of yourself as undisciplined or lazy. Personal brand like this will complicate the employee to improve his career at the company. Positive things that made employees who already have a negative personal brand, it could become invisible. Vice versa, if we have been able to create a personal brand is good and positive, then all things will become easier.

To obtain a good personal brand is needed first is the "product" is good. Items here can be a skill, attitude, appearance, way of talking and certainly no less important is the reputation. After that, they need new ways of communicating reputation or product. In the event that there is lot of way communication such as writing articles, speaking, teaching, involved in professional organizations, have an online networking or blogs and so forth. Of course, these tips activities needs to be associated with our talents and preferences. Someone who would rather write would prefer to write articles in newspapers or blogs and the like as a speaker will choose a speaker or a short discussion.

In a competition like the present, personal brand needs to have as early as possible so that this can be easier for us in search of work and develop our careers. Personal branding is a valuable personal asset. Let's build SELF-IMAGE


Unknown said…
Semoga sukses dengan jobnya ya..
Anonymous said…
that's great to build our skill
pututik said…
nice template and fast loading this page, good luck for the job. jangan lupa bagi-bagi hadiah hihihih
Pepito said…
nice job..slmt bertugas
mobil terbaik ideal keluarga indonesia
rasal said…
Thanks a ton for posting this, it was very informative and helped me tons

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I do appreciate your post.Thank you for sharing, very useful, will continue to focus on your article!

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