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Saya dapat email dari The Bing Team.


As a valued partner in the Webmaster and Search community, we'd like you to be among the first to experience Bing™ and share some of its great new features. We also want to ensure you are aware of the existing and soon to be updated suite of tools available for you to power your site via

Bing is a new world of search services. It provides users with a powerful way to cut through the clutter and make more informed decisions. Among its new features:

Instant Answers: finds specific answers to informational queries, e.g. "What is 55F in Celsius" offers rich media and structured data and a general search term like “weather” yields a 5-day forecast for your location.
Preview: enables searchers to find out more information about a site by previewing individual results on the results page to reduce back-and-forth searching.
Best Match: delivers results with deep links and highly relevant information to help searchers to get the right information faster.
So what does this mean to you? The API provides webmasters and developers programmatic access to Bing, offering ever more open, flexible options for building or enhancing your site or applications. You can learn more about the API at By August 30, 2009 all use of the Bing API must reflect brand attribution. If you are interested in using the API, please familiarize yourself with our terms of use located here.

Feedback and support can also be found in our new blogs and forums We are in the process of updating our site with new content and tools and will let you know when it is live later this month.

Thanks again for your partnership and for using the API and Webmaster tools. We look forward to your feedback and continued partnership.

The Bing Team

Ntah ini baru atau bukan, saya pajang aja dah. Keboaja baru dengar kalau Microsoft punya yang beginian.

NB: Ternyata begitu Naik PageRank blog ini job dati BlogsVertise datang terus, luar biasa. Padahal kalau bayar telat-telah, hmmmmm.


naik kelas yaa.... selamat yaa
suryaden said…
aku juga nggak tahu mas, apa hubungan si bing sama slamet.. kekeke
masDan said…
Naik Naik Terus ...
T.Yonaskummen said…
Wah kirain Bing Slamet..... he..he... selamat deh jobnya....
IjoPunkJUtee said…
Weh..., JOB lancar terus BRo..???
edylaw said…
Sama mas aku juga dapat email gituan yang nyasar ke inbox aku hehehe
Dinoe said…
Dapat job..and naik kelas ya...selamat ya..moga sukses
Cebong Ipiet said…
hehehhehe selamet mas bo... eh mas, ki template mu dadi ireng kabeh apik, ndak usah putih sing bagian ngisor..itu menurut diriku saja hehehe
Dunia Polar said…
aduhhh...kok pke bahasa bule sih?? aku ora ngerti iki.
btw blognya aku follow yah, n klo ndak keberatan follow balik yah, tengkiu
annosmile said…
saya belum dapet kiriman kayak gitu
microsoft promosi bing ya
RanggaGoBloG said…
wah... kok keminggriss...??? rada mumet kiih... hihihihih
ini dari blogsvertise iia??!?!? ajarin dund kang :( msh odong2 nii :( gmn sii caranya?!??!
torik said…
mantep deh mas.. makin keren ajah nie blog. malah saya yang ga keurus tuh blognya
ndop said…
wow, bing lagi cari popularitas wi kang...

hahahaha.. suwe-suwe enek bing/adsense barang nuh, wekekeke...
Mas, maksudnya gimana seh?
Saya belum Paham...
Andre said…
Waduh...kok gak diterjemahin? jadi susah bacanya...:(
Blogger-Holic said…
masih tetep setia sama Mbah Gugel.. huehuehue
Dinoe said…
mantap..job direview ya..moga sukses ya..
attayaya said…
sebenarnya bing tuh untuk apa ya?
waduh mas, kamus linggisku ketinggalan
Ridho said…
tapi saya lebih suka SE google daripada bing. lebih enak aja tampilannya
karthik said…
hey interesting site mate keep it up...kindly check my blog too...u will find it interested too....
abenk said…
it's nice blog gan..... i like it..
pleased to meet your blog...
COME VISIT ME...OK...thank you very much

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