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Operating System

Jember University is one of college in Indonesia. It a state university, one of favorite college in Indonesia. Information center does not use a Macintosh Operating system. Some time we got a trouble in network, and more displeasure at internet access. However we always proud, but i think it need some to increase in access. With networking or internet access with true operating system. Many student do not learn more internet access and more about networking.

My group had critic the officer to change the operating system in to Linux ( DEWAlinux, One of Distro of linux in my country). But in other time i had read the macintosh Operating system for network, i believe it can be powerful. Because the system can allows us to boot mac computer and could running in other mac Operating system X server..For further information u can contact this web.

In my mind macintosh operating system can make us in more information and powerful. For the server and client, otherwise no internet security software. Example mac operating system :

  1. Mac Operating system for Net boot service. First action you must installed the Mac OS software. It must to server for mac user in our college, or people who use mac operating system. If there is not install it can make a displeasure for the user. However Server can adding many people who does not use a windows operating system.
  2. Mac for net install image, is had a upgrading a mac OS. it so closed to us to optimized a deployment and purpose to and restore configuration to us. So server can close to user and more free network in our college.

The conclusion is Jember University's information center should be change the operating system. And make a network user pleasure and easier to identity user image and operating system. Or give us some reason to use and protected the networking in our university. However is sugest to my college to buy windows 7 Thanks


Diana Yusuf said…
wakh kalo pake mac aku belum begitu paham, hanya bisanya pake windows aja nih, salam kenal
@ suwung : hush, nguwawor UniJem, UNEJ wong
*lah kok saya malah ngomentari yang komen *kabuur
pututik said…
Nice, but i am still waiting google OS
Anonymous said…
Sbg user..di samping OS.kelengkapan aplikasi pihak ketiga masi lbh pnting bg saya untk berkreasi.
bangjlimz said…
@soewoeng...heheh Thanks, Yang bener UNEJ,,gak ada tuch Uninjem, emang dulu Bang Kebo yang nyaranin beberapa Komunitas Mahasiswa yang ahli di TI untuk migrasi ke LINUX, ato Mac,,,Aku sendiri Mac Juga Belum Coba.. Cuman ini garapan Advertising...
@pututik,,sama kita juga masih nunggu,,we still and want to try google OS
annosmile said…
ini paid review kah???

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