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Showing posts from October, 2009


Iseng aja nyobain fasilitas lupa password buat akun email saya ternyata saya gak bisa jawab pertanyaan keamanannya :( Keisengan ini berawal dari akun facebook teman yang dihack sekalian emailnya juga. Nah kalo hal ini terjadi pada teman-teman blogger... sudah siapkah anda? Waspada waspada waspadalah...

My Nephew

My Brother had a Baby. Since March,29 2009, the Boy was so big. Now he is 7 month Old. He is look so happy than i had looked before. He always hold his toys , Sometime he hold some brights toy, like sticker. It can glow in the Dark, my nephew call him Ubey. He plays his toys every time, but some time his parents chose gift him some Dolls. Yeah, there is awful actually i hope his parents gift him some safe toys. I told to them what i think, gift ideas for your baby. I recommend to way out in city park, Play in the yard. More activities for their boy, and took some picture. And gift him some moment with my New digital cameras . However, if we forget some thing moment, or Ubey had growth Up, we can remember this moment from the picture. I Know, Ubey can growth up in this family. The Healthy and Safety family than he live with me- I had growth in the rural area, in Jember Town, where the crime is activities- and his Grand father and grand Mother where live. Ubey can growth with easy, no...

Cheap seat, had reserved for You

There is one of my Favorit Match in NFL. When the New York Giants un beatable in that seasons. This team is one of most popular team in NFL. For futher this team had won many match in last seasons. My Grand father told to me how his know the match in radio, thats so interesting. But it is so old school. However the fans of this team, especially people who older than my father is would listen this game. Because Television is not the real watching the game. Radio can make you, feels like in the yard. What ever you had not a tickets. Yeah this time for saving money!! All of us know, our new president is had not finishing to stop this finance crisis. New York Giants tikets is still expensive, but you can reserve the ticket from this site. Any that I had paid for reserved?? No, actually this site is cheaper for your tickets seat price. So, if you love the city home AFL had won and successful in 1960's. But after the Herm Edwards ended his time as head coach -actually my brother second ...

New Mums Need a Help

You need a reference how care your baby? how care pushchair without the nanny? All of us know how the TV program is describe the nanny is very stronger and very kind. For the new mums that is possible to get some job for the nanny. But some people think that is expensive. How we pay them for the first time your happy live with your baby. Look the baby play they toys , so sweet. Read the story even though the baby has not understand. Smiling to husband and kiss him because, no more couple in a house. The baby is hold in our arm. But the baby has not separate us. No longer for the family is need documentation for their baby. Is time to take a picture, digital cameras is very useful. You can delete the picture that you do not want to print out. Digital camera had a new era. All of us can use digital camera, no more film. The Display had get picture at that time. So how we tell digital camera had invented old school camera, with film and more blitz light. Just think simply, this age ti...

Ada yang Nakal

Ada yang nakal mencoba mengambil alih akun facebook saya... Nyoba login gak bisa-bisa... Langsung aja ngecek email... Ada email baru dengan subject Facebook Password Change dan Facebook Contact Email Change Notification Email yang digunakan pelaku: sama Dalam email yang bersubject Facebook Contact Email Change Notification ada tulisan However, if that address is not familiar or you did not request to change your contact email, please follow this link to cancel the request. Saya ikuti aja linknya... Syukur Alhamdulillah akun facebook saya kembali lagi... Amin

Maen Ke NEOBux yuks...

Nolongin teman Yang sekarang memulai berbisnis PTC, dengan cara Bikin usaha di web dengan nempelin beragam banner. Bukan google ads, cuman bener biasa. Bikinan Blog-blog Neobux gak tau dech ini bisa apa gak, sabar yach. monggo daftar aja dulu. KLO gak yakin ini scam mendingan gak usah Ikut atau daftar dari referal saya Kunjungi ini DENGAN JELAS saya Masih dalam Tahapan Mencoba, (Beta Version/Uji coba) jadi Saya sama sekali tidak Bertanggung Jawab jika nantinya site ini adalah SCAM

Newest ONLine Game

Life isn’t fair. Men get all the breaks. You’ve devoted all of your 20’s to getting your career off the ground. Not that you haven’t been gaming…you have, but not seriously. Now here you need, something and there is no long term relationship in Online game aion . You can actually hear your international block gaming. You have a precious few years to find a games to fall in love with, make You fall in love with play it, get some interested, and have a pleasure or its lights out. You already know all of the game in your social circle(ON Line). Not that they aren’t nice guys…some of them…but none of them are your game. What’s a game prepare to do? Consider online gaming. You have the opportunity to read hundreds of profiles and look at hundreds of pictures in search of that “Many game” that will be right for you. Maybe he will live in the same your city do…maybe he will live across the country or even in another country altogether. You aren’t limited to only those men that you come in co...